Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How did I lose the baby weight?

I am an extremely active person. I love to be outside. I'm so glad Sophia was born in March because the weather soon became nice and we were able to get outside. 
What activities helped lose the baby weight?
1. Breastfeeding :)
2. I walked every day. You can't work out for the first 6 weeks after the birth but I did try to walk when I could during this time. Then after 6 weeks I made it a point to walk every day. She still loves taking walks in the stroller.
3. When she was 4 months old I got a Bob revolution running stroller. I LOVE this stroller and highly recommend this stroller if you are a runner or want to be one. :) She got a morning nap while I got a morning run. We love our runs in the stroller.
4. Stroller Strides class. Stroller strides classes are held all over the United States. It's a way to get a work-out with your little one and meet other mommies with little ones.
5. Spin class. I didn't start going back to spin class regularly until she was about 6 months old because of the demand of breastfeeding.
6. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred work out dvd is great. There are 3 levels of intensity. So, you can decide if you want to really challenge yourself and do level 3 or take it easy on yourself and do level 1. The work out is only 20 minutes long so you can tell yourself the work out will be over in 20 minutes. It incorporates strength, cardio, and abs. I also like that it's only 20 minutes because sometimes I can do the dvd with Sophia. Sometimes she plays with her toys while watching me.
7. Mommy & Me yoga. I started this class when Sophia was 5 months old. I love mommy & me yoga. However, since Sophia is crawling she has kind of out grown the class I was taking. 

Work-outs I'm looking forward to this summer:
1. Swimming
2. Bike rides outside :) 

My biggest piece of advice is be kind to yourself. Don't stress yourself out about losing the weight. I used to work out so much before Sophia was born but there are more important things in life. My little one keeps me busy and she is much more important than a work-out. It's nice that my husband is supportive and knows that a quick work-out break makes me a better mom.

Mommy & Me Yoga 

 One of our morning runs this past fall

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