Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Favorite baby products

Here are some products that I have been using since the birth of little Isabelle...


Lanolin was a lifesaver for the first two or three weeks after she was born. I used it after every time I fed Isabelle. It really helped with soreness. 

Nursing pads

I always recommend these pads because they are so comfortable and do the job! These are a great gift to new moms because they are so useful! 


Ok, I admit I'm mildly addicted to my breastfriend. It just makes nursing so much easier for me. My friend actually gave me her breastfriend when I was pregnant with Sophia so I used it for the whole 13 1/2 months that I nursed her and now I'm using it again for Isabelle. I'm pretty sure it's not as firm as it once was but it still works. 

Fisher Price swing
Isabelle is borrowing this swing from her cousin, Lila. Thanks for sharing! Everyone raved about this swing and I can see why. It's so nice to be able to put Isbaelle in the swing and she'll just become so content or even better yet, sleep!

Carseat canopy

I think I paid $10 using a promo code to buy our carseat canopy. This is the actual print we purchased and I love the bright colors! I love how it keeps people from peeking into the carseat when we're out and about. 

Aden & Anasis blankets
I didn't have Aden & Anasis blankets when Sophia was a baby but I wanted some for Isabelle because she was going to be born in May and I knew the thin, breathable blankets would be nice in the warm weather. My friend surprised me and bought these blankets for Isabelle and I was so thankful! We use these blankets all the time! They are great for swaddling and I love how they are so thin.

The Happiest Baby on the Block
I read this book when Sophia was born. It's helpful knowing about the 4 S's in the 4th trimester. (swing, swaddle, shh, side)
If you haven't yet read it-check it out! I didn't hear about it until I was in the hospital when Sophia was born. I always tell new moms about this book while they are pregnant. It was a little hard reading the book with a newborn at the time. 

I love my baby k'tan wrap. 
This is a picture of Sophia and me on the Baltic Sea. Sophia was 3 months old. 
This wrap is a lifesaver for baby's first few months. You can get things done because you have two hands free and the baby feels so secure and warm which usually ends up meaning she falls asleep. I took the two girls to the grocery store the other day (we just bought 2 things) and I put the baby in the wrap and Sophia in the cart and it worked great for the whole 15 minutes we were in the store. Of course it helped that the baby fell asleep. :)

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