Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blueberry picking...

She understands if we tell her, "Smell the flowers"

Found this goat as we were headed home 

We had a great experience picking blueberries at Larriland Farm

Sophia is at a great age right now to go blueberry picking. She picked a few blueberries and carried them in each hand as if they were "treasures". She stayed with us as we picked 1 lb. of blueberries. The blueberries were a great price, for 1 lb. our total was $2.80. Yummy!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

There’s treasure on the inside of you…

I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while now but it wasn’t until I shared it with a friend and she said I should blog about it did I actually become inspired enough to share…

I love Pinterest, Facebook, and reading blogs to see what other people are doing. It’s great to be exposed to so many ideas that I’ve never seen before. However, it can also be overwhelming to realize that there are so many things that I don’t know how to do. This can make me feel inadequate in life, especially being a new mom. But I’ve realized it’s good to recognize your gifts, passions, and talents and be happy with what God has given you.

I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m not a fantastic cook. I can cook but I don’t have that strong passion to make these extraordinary meals. I cook simply and I cook healthily. (I think I will share some simple, healthy meals that I make in one of my future posts.) I’ve also come to terms with the fact that I’m not a seamstress. I’ll be honest, I can’t really even sew a button. I really admire people that can cook and sew and are really crafty. But, I’m not going to compare myself to other people and I’m not going to be envious of other people’s gifts.

God made me the way I am for a reason. I know He gifted me to love children and to work with children. I know that He gifted with me to love fitness, working out and taking care of my body. I also know He created me to share my gifts and passions with others. He also made me an encourager. I love to help people and encourage them.

What are your God given gifts and abilities? He made you perfectly just the way He wanted you to be.  

“Do what God has anointed you to do. God designs us and puts gifts in us. He designed you to operate in your gift. Embrace the gift God has given you. Don’t throw it away. You will have peace and joy when you operate in your gifts.” –Joyce Meyer

Friends, God has a purpose and a plan for your life!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of July 2013

4th of July in pictures...

We visited Sophia's great-grandfather (my grandfather)

4th of July photo at our friend's party

I got to see my wonderful friend and meet her beautiful daughter.

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4th of July

I cannot believe a year ago we were in Denmark. We traveled at the end of June to the beginning of July. Yes, we were in Denmark with our three month old baby girl. We traveled with some really great friends who introduced us to some fabulous people from Denmark. Thank you friends!

I'll be honest it was not an easy trip to travel with a three month old baby. However, we are really thankful we had the opportunity to go on the trip and we did have a good time. 

Here are some pictures from the trip. Oh, how a difference a year makes...
Can you see how nervous I was at the airport?

The Baltic Sea

Yes, Pat is getting Sophia to take a nap by walking her around in the yard.

View from the beach house

Big Rock

First carriage ride as a family. She was taking a nice nap.

First ferry ride
Look at those blue eyes
The baby whisperers aka tour guides aka fabulous friends
I had to include a happy picture of her in the car seat. She decided to hate car rides while we were on the trip.
The Castle
My sightseeing little one :)